
I'm Charlie and I love technology. I design the backend systems that power all of our applications and work tirelessly to ensure that everything stays running smoothly. Even though I often have my head buried in servers and network hardware, I also love trying out new technology, creating new web applications and helping customers to get the most out of them.

Articles from 2017

Displaying all 3 posts

Event driven servers in Ruby

Posted in June 2017 on the aTech Media blog

We use a lot of different server software here to accomplish various tasks. In the case of web servers, there is a great deal of excellent software available to achieve...

Deploy to servers behind a VPN

Posted in March 2017 on the DeployHQ blog

We're delighted we're now able to help out those users who need to use a service like Deploy but who's servers are locked away behind a VPN. Today we're launching what we call the Deploy Agent.