Including and excluding days from sprints

New Features

Until today, a sprint's ideal velocity and average velocity metrics were calculated using all the days between the start and end date. While all of us dream of working 7 days a week, the reality is that most companies tend not to work on the weekend!

From this moment onwards, when you create a sprint, you can choose which days are included/excluded when calculating these performance metrics.

Screenshot of the included/excluded dates picker

Every day excluded from the sprint will be displayed on the burndown chart.

Screenshot of the excluded dates on the burndown chart

That's pretty neat! Do I need to do this for every sprint?

Fear not, product owner! We've added an additional option to the project ticket settings page to make your life that little bit easier. You can specify which days you want to include/exclude from sprints by default. They can always be overridden manually!

Screenshot of the sprint days picker on the project ticket settings page

Delicious. Will this break all my existing sprints?

It won't! Changes to included/excluded dates are only applied to future sprints. You can sleep easy tonight, we promise!

If you have any questions, please give us a shout. We'd love to hear what you have to say about this new feature.

A little bit about the author

Rob is the Product Development Manager at aTech Media. He is absurdly tall with a passion for CSS, JavaScript, burgers, and rugby.